
5 June 2019

Google Scholar: A database of scholarly publication for students and researchers

Google Scholar is a searchable database of full text and bibliographic scholarly publication. It is founded in 2004 and freely accessible. Google Scholar index includes most peer-reviewed online academic journals, books, conference papers, theses and dissertations, preprints, abstracts, technical reports, court opinions, patents and other scholarly literature. Google Scholar allows users to search for digital or physical copies of articles, whether online or in libraries. It links the users with literature but it does not mean to get full text of all article it indexes. It helps to access articles, cross reference with other sources and keep update on your favorite field of study using its alert facility. It also provide various metrics to analyses the impact of publications.


  • How to search  Google Scholar

You can access Google Scholar by typing on the address bar of the browser. To search type your query words on the search you will get millions of result in few second. Google scholar allows users to search both basic search and advanced search. Using advanced search you can access by key word, author, title, publication and date. When the result window appear click on the title and it leads to the website of the publisher or the document. Some open access journals can be accessed full text and if a subscribed one you have to pay for it. You can customize your preferences using settings. Under the search result section you can decide what type of sources to search and how to manage the search. Here you can manage collection - that means type of document to retrieve; results per page; where results should open and a Bibliography manager. Under library links you can link your resources with their databases. Google Scholar is an excellent database and search engine for academic research.


  • Google Scholar Citation

Google Scholar Citation provides a simple way for authors to track citations for their publications. Google scholar chose the list of article by an author and update automatically. When an author gets new citation google will automatically calculate metrics such as h-index and update time to time.  the google make the profile of the author public and any one search the name he can easily access the scholarly contribution of the author. To get such a profile you have to start a google scholar account. For this you have to sign from google Scholar him page using your google account. Then select my citations. enter name, institution, email, areas of interest and click 'next step' . you can see similar articles and you can add articles as your group. and now you can chose to update article to your profile or send an email for confirmation. Now you can see your profile and you can manage your citations 'Action' drop down menu.

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