
1 January 2021

LIS Notes for Copmpetitive Examination - 37:Books and Authors in LIS


A Manual of Classification for Librarians: W C B Sayers

Basic Statistics for Librarians: J.D. Brown
Canons of Classification: W C B Sayers

Classification Theoretical and Practical: E C Richadson 
Communication: J. Thompson
Documentation : S C Bradford
Documentation & Organization of Knowledge: J.H. Shera
Documentation and information: B. Guha
Documentation and its facets: S R Ranganathan
Elementary of Library Classification: S R Ranganathan
Encyclopedia of Library & Information Science: Allen Kent
Five Laws of Library Science: S R Ranganathan
Foundation of Education for Librarianship: J.H. Shera
Grammar of Classification: W C B Sayers

India’s National Library: B.S. Kesavan
Introduction to Librarianship: J. K. Gates
Library Glossary & Reference books: L.M. Harrold
Little Science Big Science: Eric Desolla Price
Manual of Library Classification: S R Ranganathan
Manual of Library Economy: Simpson
Organisation of Knowledge in Libraries and the Subject Approach to Books: H E Bliss

Principles of Book Classification: E W Hulme

Putting Knowledge to work: Paulin Atherton
Subject Approach to Information: J D Fosket
The Organization of Knowledge and the system of the Sciences: H E Bliss

LIS Notes for Copmpetitive Examination - 36:First in Library and Information Science in World


British Museum: Firstly introduced printed catalog.

DDC 17: “Auxiliary table for area” was first introduced in DDC.

International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) Introduced the concept of Universal Bibliographic Control (UBC).

Great Britain: First library act was enacted.

Singapore: Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) was first started.

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)Developed the concept of Common Communication Format (CCF).

LIS Notes for Copmpetitive Examination - 35:Library Commissions and Committees in India



University Education Commission
Dr. S Radhakrishnan

Library Committee
Dr. S. R. Ranganathan

Review Committee on Library Science
 Dr. S. R. Ranganathan

Education Commission
Prof. D. S. Kothari

Mehrotra Committee
R. C. Mehrotra

Committee on National Network System for
Yash Pal

University Libraries

Curriculum Development Committee on Library and Information Science

Prof. P. N. Kaula

UGC Model Curriculum: Library and Information
Dr. C.R.Karisiddappa

LIS Notes for Copmpetitive Examination - 34:Management Theories and Profounders


Name of Profounder

Father of Scientific Management Principals
F.W. Taylor

Principal of Management
Henry Fayaol

Management by Objective
Peter Drucker

Hierarchy of need Theory
A. Maslaw

Theory X and Theory Y
D. Mcgregor

Motivation Hygiene approach
F. Herzberg

Social Relation Management
Elton Mayo

Psychological factors
Hugo Munsterberg

Human emotions
Mar Parker

Hawthorne studies
Elton Mayo

Humanistic Theory of Learning

Management Grid
Robert Blake

Term of scientific Management
Luis Brandies

Task and Bonus
Henry Grant

Bureastic model / System School
Max webar

MBO (Management by Objectives)
P. Drucker

Leadership & Management

Contingency Style

Managerial grid
Balkes Mouton

Pyramid shape of organizational control

Fitness for Use
J. M. Juran

LIS Notes for Copmpetitive Examination - 33 :One word substitute in LIS

 Biblioclast: A destroyer of books

Biblioholism: Loves to purchase, read, store, admire books in excess.

Biblioklept : A Person who 
Steals books and other material from libraries

Bibliology: A Statistical study of reading materials.

Bibliomania:Passionate enthusiasm for collecting and possessing books

Bibliophobia: A person who scares of books

Bibliopole: A person who deals in Secondhand and rare books

Bibliotherapy: Treatment of patient by using reading material

Bio-bibliography: A list of works written about an author examining the author’s life and work.

Retrospective bibliography: List of Books that published in previous years.

LIS Notes for Copmpetitive Examination - 32:People and Their Contribution in LIS - India

B. S. Jha: Was the chairman of National Library Committee of India.

B.S Kesavan: First Librarian of National Library of India.

D. B. Krishna Rao: First Ph.D. holders in Library Science in India.

E. B. Ross: Provided casual hint to Dr. S. R. Ranganathan that makes the First law of LIS to emerge.

G. Bhattacharya: Developed POPSI.

John Macfarlane: The first librarian of the Imperial Library (now National Library, Kolkata).

Kumudeshar Barthakur: Took leading role for the library movement in Assam.

Nihar Ranjan Roy: He for the first time in India, DDC and AACR rule introduced.

S. R. Ranganathan: Coined the term “Librachine” for mobile libraries.

S. R. Ranganathan: Enunciated the five fundamental categories.

S. R. Ranganathan: Classified documentary sources of information into Conventional, Neo Conventional, Non Conventional and Meta Document.

S. R. Ranganathan: First professionally qualified university librarian in India.

S. R. Ranganathan: Introduced Three card system- (i) Register Card, (ii) Check Card, and (iii) Classified Index Card for periodical registration.

S. R. Ranganathan: First  used the term prenatal cataloguing.

Sam Pitroda: Was the Chairman of the National Knowledge Commission, Govt. of India.

Sayaji Rao Gaekwad III: Made first time efforts for the development of libraries in India.

William Allenson Borden: The disciple of Melvil Dewey who worked in India.


LIS Notes for Copmpetitive Examination - 31:People and Their Contribution in LIS - World

A. B. Maslow: Proposed Hygienic factors.

Alan Pritchard: Coined the term “Bibliometrics” in a paper titled “Statistical Bibliography or Bibliometrics?”

Alireza Noruzi: Applies Ranganathan’s Laws to the Web.

Beesman: The propounder of the term information transfer.

Benjamin A. Custer: The Editor in Chief of 19th Edition of DDC.

C. A. Cutter: Invented the Dictionary Catalogue.

C. W. Hanson: Divides documentary sources of information into two categories - Primary and Secondary.

C.E. Shannon & W. Weaver: Proposed Linear model of communication in knowledge based on Aristotles’ model of communication.

Carl Savage: Used the concept “Invisible College” for the first time.

Charles Babbage: Designed analytical engine and Known as the
father of the computer.

Conrad Gesner: He is regarded as father of bibliography.

Denis Grogan: Classifies the documents into three categories-primary, secondary and tertiary.

Derek Austin: Developed PRECIS.

Douglas Mc Gregor: Developed Theory X and Theory Y.

E. C. Richardson: Defined notation as shorthand sign.

E. J. Coats: Coats Subject Indexing.

Edgar. F. Codd: Gives the 12 rules for relational database.

F. Monbrary Volte: The first editor of “Modern Librarian”

F. W. Taylor: The father of Scientific Management.

George Boole: Discussed symbolic logic in “Treatise of differential equation”.

George Kingsely Zipf: Wrote “Psycho-biology of language: An introduction to dynamic philosophy”.

H. Khan and Mann: System analysis has been used first in RAND Corporation.

Haines: Wrote “Living with book”.

Henri Fayol: The father of Classical School of Management.

Henri La Fontaine: Honoured with ‘Nobel Prize’ for his substantial contribution in Documentation,1913 in the category of peace.

J. C. M. Hanson: Devised Library of Congress Classification System.

J. D. Brown: Enunciated the subject Classification.

J. E. L. Farradane: Developed Relational Indexing.

James Duff Brown: The pioneer of open access system in British libraries.

James I. Wyer: Propounded “Conservative, moderate and liberal theories of reference service”.

James R. Rettig: Gave the sixth law of library science “Every reader his/her freedom”

John Cotton Dana: Started Newark Charging system.

John S. Mitchell: The Editor in Chief of 23rd Edition of DDC.

Kaiser: Give the concept of concretes and processes.

Larry Page and Sergey Brain: Developed Google.

Larry Constantine: : Firstly developed Data Flow Diagram (DFD).

M. M. Kessler: Advocated Bibliographic coupling for the first time.

Melvil Dewey: First library school started.

Paul Otlet: He for the first time used the term ‘Documentation’ in a lecture at the International Congress at Brussels.

Luther Gulick: Coined the term “POSDCORB”.

M. M. Kessler: Advocated Bibliographic coupling for the first time.

Martimer Taube: Developed UNITERM.

Mc Colvin: Stated the demand and supply theory of books.

Melville Dewey: Devised DDC system.

Melvin J. Voigt: Categorized information need into current approach, everyday approach, and exhaustive approach.

Michael Gorman: Suggested for Book Order Vigilance Pad (BOVP).

Michael Gorman: Wrote “Our Singular Strengths”

Pascal: Developed Calculating machine.

Patricia B. Knapp: Contributed on the systematic use of user’s education.

Paul Otlet and Henri La Fontaine: Devised UDC.

Peter A. Phyor: Zero Based Budget.

Peter F. Drucker: Introduced Management by Objectives (MBO).

Richard Matthew Stallman: Founded Free Software Foundation (FSF).

S. Halkett & J. Laing: The author of “Dictionary of anonymous and pseudonymous literature”.

Samuel Clement Bradford: Bradford's Law of Information.

Samuel Rothstein: Given the Minimal, Middling and Maximum theories of reference service.

Shannon and Weaver: Proposed Mathematical Theory of Information.

Ted Nelson: Coined the term Hyper Text.

Tim Berner’s Lee: He firstly designed the World Wide Web (WWW).

William Gibson: Used the term ‘Cyberspace’ for the first time.

LIS Notes for Copmpetitive Examination - 37:Books and Authors in LIS

  A Manual of Classification for Librarians:  W C B Sayers Basic Statistics for Librarians:  J.D. Brown Canons of Classification : W...