1440: Bibliothec Nationale, Paris (National Library, France).
1800: Library of Congress, USA.
1810: American Patent Law.
1850: First library act was enacted in Great Britain.
1852: British Patent Law.
1852: Roget’s Thesaurus.
1862: State Lenin Library, Moscow.
1876: Cutter’s Rules for a Printed Dictionary Catalogue.
1876: American Library Association (ALA).
1876: Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) by Melvil Dewey.
1876: First Journal of Librarianship was published.
1877: Library Association (LA), UK was formed.
1879: Expansive Classification by C. A. Cutter.
1886: Berne convention was adopted.
1895: Browne charging system.
1898: Library of Congress Subject Headings.
1904: Library of Congress Classification.
1905: The first edition of Universal Decimal Classification (UDC) was published.
1906: Subject Classification by J. D. Brown.
1908: Author and Title Entries. (Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules (AACR) first published.
1909: Special Library Association (SLA).
1911: Kaisers systematic Indexing.
1912: National Library, Germany.
1923: Sears List of Subject Headings (SLSH).
1924: Association of Special Libraries and Information Bureau (ASLIB).
1927: International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA).
1931: International Institute of Documentation was established.
1931: Melville Dewey Passed away.
1932: Electrically operated book charging system firstly introduced.
1934: Headquarter of International Federation of Documentation (FID) was shifted from Brussels to The Hague.
1935: Bibliographic Classification by H. E. Bliss.
1937: International Institute of Documentation changed to International Federation of Documentation.0
1945: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).
1948: Bradford formulated the law of scattering.
1948: National Diet Library, Japan.
1949: The UNESCO Public Library Manifesto first issued.
1950: Relational Indexing.
1951: The Wheat loan Educational Exchange Programme.
1952: Universal Copyright Conventions.
1953: UNITERM Indexing.
1954: Peter F. Drucker defined Management by Objectives (MBO).
1957: System analysis has been used first by H. Khan and Mann of RAND Corporation.
1958: Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) was developed.
1961: International Conference on Cataloging Principles, Paris.
1961: International Classification by F. Rider.
1963: Coats Subject Indexing.
1964: POPSI.
1966: Machine Readable Cataloguing (MARC).
1967: Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules – I (AACR-I).
1967: Machine Readable Cataloguing (MARC) project completed.
1967: World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) was established by the WIPO Convention.
1967: Online Computer Library Centre (OCLC).
1969: The term “Bibliometrics” was coined by Alan Pritchard.
1970: The American Society for Information Science (ASIS) organized its annual meeting around the theme “the information conscious society”.
1970: Zero Base Budgeting system was first prepared.
1971: International Standard Bibliographic Description (ISBD).
1971: UNISIST Programme.
1971: Berne Convention and Universal Copyright Convention was revised in Paris.
1972: International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) took up the “Universal Availability of Publication” program.
1972: International Book Year celebrated by UNESCO.
1972: The UNESCO Public Library Manifesto which was issued in 1949 got revised.
1973: Social Science Citation Index.
1974: International Standard Bibliographic Description (ISBD).
1974: Research Library Group (RLG)
1974: Universal Bibliographic Control (UBC).
1974: PRECIS.
1974: Science Citation Index.
1976: Universal Availability of Publications (UAP).
1977: Universal Machine Readable Catalogue (UNIMARC) was developed by IFLA.
1978: Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules – II (AACR-II).
1978: Arts & Humanities Citation Index.
1984: Open System Interconnection (OSI) Model.
1984: Common Communication Format (CCF).
1985: CD-ROM was prepared and made.
1985: CDS/ISIS.
1986: Information Society program for Latin America and The Caribbean (INFOLAC).
1988: Anglo American Cataloging Rules, 2nd edition revised (AACR2 R)
1990: Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) was first started in Singapore.
1993: Project MUSE, an online database of more than 200 journals from nonprofit publishers was launched.
1994: The UNESCO Public Library Manifesto revised second time.
1994: Orbicom, the international network of UNESCO chairs in communications.
1995: Journal Storage (J-Store) was launched.
1995: Origin of Dublin Core Metadata.
1997: Consortium of University Research Libraries (CURL).
1997: GreenStone digital library softwear.
1998: China Academic Library & Information System.
1999: Global Network for Education in Journalism.
2000: EPrints Software.
2000: KOHA Software.
2002: Chartered institute of Library and Information Professionals (CILIP) was formed.
2002: DSpace Software.
2002: FID was dissolved.
2007: ISBN changed from 10 digits to 13 digit.
2010: ASLIB was acquired by MCB group, the holding company for emerald group publishing.
2011: DDC 23rd edition was published
2012: DDC Abridged edition -15 was published.