
1 January 2021

LIS Notes for Copmpetitive Examination - 31:People and Their Contribution in LIS - World

A. B. Maslow: Proposed Hygienic factors.

Alan Pritchard: Coined the term “Bibliometrics” in a paper titled “Statistical Bibliography or Bibliometrics?”

Alireza Noruzi: Applies Ranganathan’s Laws to the Web.

Beesman: The propounder of the term information transfer.

Benjamin A. Custer: The Editor in Chief of 19th Edition of DDC.

C. A. Cutter: Invented the Dictionary Catalogue.

C. W. Hanson: Divides documentary sources of information into two categories - Primary and Secondary.

C.E. Shannon & W. Weaver: Proposed Linear model of communication in knowledge based on Aristotles’ model of communication.

Carl Savage: Used the concept “Invisible College” for the first time.

Charles Babbage: Designed analytical engine and Known as the
father of the computer.

Conrad Gesner: He is regarded as father of bibliography.

Denis Grogan: Classifies the documents into three categories-primary, secondary and tertiary.

Derek Austin: Developed PRECIS.

Douglas Mc Gregor: Developed Theory X and Theory Y.

E. C. Richardson: Defined notation as shorthand sign.

E. J. Coats: Coats Subject Indexing.

Edgar. F. Codd: Gives the 12 rules for relational database.

F. Monbrary Volte: The first editor of “Modern Librarian”

F. W. Taylor: The father of Scientific Management.

George Boole: Discussed symbolic logic in “Treatise of differential equation”.

George Kingsely Zipf: Wrote “Psycho-biology of language: An introduction to dynamic philosophy”.

H. Khan and Mann: System analysis has been used first in RAND Corporation.

Haines: Wrote “Living with book”.

Henri Fayol: The father of Classical School of Management.

Henri La Fontaine: Honoured with ‘Nobel Prize’ for his substantial contribution in Documentation,1913 in the category of peace.

J. C. M. Hanson: Devised Library of Congress Classification System.

J. D. Brown: Enunciated the subject Classification.

J. E. L. Farradane: Developed Relational Indexing.

James Duff Brown: The pioneer of open access system in British libraries.

James I. Wyer: Propounded “Conservative, moderate and liberal theories of reference service”.

James R. Rettig: Gave the sixth law of library science “Every reader his/her freedom”

John Cotton Dana: Started Newark Charging system.

John S. Mitchell: The Editor in Chief of 23rd Edition of DDC.

Kaiser: Give the concept of concretes and processes.

Larry Page and Sergey Brain: Developed Google.

Larry Constantine: : Firstly developed Data Flow Diagram (DFD).

M. M. Kessler: Advocated Bibliographic coupling for the first time.

Melvil Dewey: First library school started.

Paul Otlet: He for the first time used the term ‘Documentation’ in a lecture at the International Congress at Brussels.

Luther Gulick: Coined the term “POSDCORB”.

M. M. Kessler: Advocated Bibliographic coupling for the first time.

Martimer Taube: Developed UNITERM.

Mc Colvin: Stated the demand and supply theory of books.

Melville Dewey: Devised DDC system.

Melvin J. Voigt: Categorized information need into current approach, everyday approach, and exhaustive approach.

Michael Gorman: Suggested for Book Order Vigilance Pad (BOVP).

Michael Gorman: Wrote “Our Singular Strengths”

Pascal: Developed Calculating machine.

Patricia B. Knapp: Contributed on the systematic use of user’s education.

Paul Otlet and Henri La Fontaine: Devised UDC.

Peter A. Phyor: Zero Based Budget.

Peter F. Drucker: Introduced Management by Objectives (MBO).

Richard Matthew Stallman: Founded Free Software Foundation (FSF).

S. Halkett & J. Laing: The author of “Dictionary of anonymous and pseudonymous literature”.

Samuel Clement Bradford: Bradford's Law of Information.

Samuel Rothstein: Given the Minimal, Middling and Maximum theories of reference service.

Shannon and Weaver: Proposed Mathematical Theory of Information.

Ted Nelson: Coined the term Hyper Text.

Tim Berner’s Lee: He firstly designed the World Wide Web (WWW).

William Gibson: Used the term ‘Cyberspace’ for the first time.

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LIS Notes for Copmpetitive Examination - 37:Books and Authors in LIS

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